Thanks again to everyone who attended the 8th Annual Symposium, and thanks to Jackie (who we missed) and her committee for putting together a great event. For those who could not attend, you can still get beaucoup IP CLE’s by buying the recorded program from the Bar.
Below are some of the pix courtesy of our Fearless Leader & Photographer Kimra. Note that due to word limits, this email likely doesn’t contain all of the photos and captions, so click on this hyperlink in this message to be sure that you are seeing all of the pix.


Time to get to work!

Stefan Stein introduces the Cuba Panel

Cuba Panelists Peter Quinter, Georgina Ortega and Jorge Espinosa

Cuba Panel

Michael’s discussion with Judge Jordan

Dr. Harvey Moore of Moore & Associates discusses Big Data in the Courtroom

USF Law student, Nick is a new associate with Lott & Fischer, and Monica works with Ken Hartman

Time to eat!

Cuba Panelist Georgina Ortega with new IP Committee Member Anessa Santos

Daniel Staudt, Siemens Chief IP Counsel

Dineen and Woody

CLE Chair Terry Sanks

Preethi Sekharan, Steph, Ava, Ury, and Dan Staudt of Siemens

David and Robert O’Shea of Beecher Carlson

JoAnn Shearer – always helping with a smile!

David Henry and Joel Rothman

Judge Jordan and Micheal Chesal

Judge Jordan of the 11th Circuit graciously shares his insights with the group

Katherine Koenig

Kieran Doyle

Kimra and Cuban Panelist Georgina Ortega

Kimra welcomes everyone to the 8th Annual Symposium

Mark Keegan discussing surveys (Keegan and Donato were also sponsors)

Michael Chesal Introducing Judge Jordan

Mike Chesal and Peter Gampel (Cherry Bekaert was also a sponsor)

Mitch Stoltz of the Electronic Frontier Foundation

Stephan Stein introduces the Cuba Panel

Ury and Kieran Doyle

USF Law student, Nick is a new associate with Lott & Fischer, and Monica works with Ken Hartman

Not a bad view for an IP Symposium, eh?

Woody, Jim and Dineen discuss the IP Year in Review

Year in Review