by Jim @ Matulis IP Law | Feb 6, 2017 | Annual Symposium, Bar and Committee Business, CLE
The Eighth Annual Intellectual Property Symposium will be held on March 30-31, 2017 at the Sonesta Hotel in Fort Lauderdale. The planning efforts are being led Jacqueline Tadros, IP Symposium Chair.
The bar has secured $210 /night rate for the Sonesta. Here is a link to the property.
The event will kick off with the IP Committee Meeting on Thursday, March 30th, tentatively set to commence at 2:00 p.m., followed by a panel discussion on preparing for the IP Board Certification Exam (note: this is not a review course, but instead a discussion regarding the certification process and the exam) tentatively set to start at 3:00 p.m. – 5:00. Happy hour and dinner follow on Thursday, followed by a full day of CLE and speakers on Friday, March 31. Watch for the flyer coming soon from the Florida Bar, including an official schedule.
Thinking of Becoming Board Certified in IP? Review a summary of the requirements and learn more about Intellectual Property Law Certification in general:!OpenDocument
See you in March!
by Jim @ Matulis IP Law | Sep 15, 2016 | Annual Symposium, Bar and Committee Business, CLE
The Eighth Annual Intellectual Property Symposium will be held on March 30-31, 2017 at the Sonesta Hotel in Fort Lauderdale. The planning efforts are being led Jacqueline Tadros, IP Symposium Chair.
The bar has secured $210 /night rate for the Sonesta. Here is a link to the property.
If you would like to be a sponsor, or know someone who might, please contact Michele Moss at [email protected].
See you in March!
by Jim @ Matulis IP Law | Aug 19, 2016 | Annual Symposium, Bar and Committee Business, CLE
Hi All
The 8th Annual IP Symposium will be held at the beautiful Sonesta Hotel in Fort Lauderdale. The Florida Bar has secured a $210/night rate.
Here is a link to the property:
See you there.
by Jim @ Matulis IP Law | Aug 9, 2016 | Annual Symposium, Bar and Committee Business

Terry Sanks, IP Symposium Chair
by Dineen Wasylik | Feb 27, 2015 | Annual Symposium, General Announcements

In the last panel of the day for the 6th Annual Intellectual Property Symposium, Peter Gampel and Lisa G. Miller of Cherry Bekaert will provide an in-depth look on intellectual property damages. Because our speakers are accounting and valuation professionals, they intend to look at issues that arise in litigation and offer tips on analyzing damages in the current legal climate.
The IP Symposium is only a week away. Have you registered? Be sure to register for the Symposium, and reserve a room at the Riverside Hotel, 620 East Las Olas Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 by calling 954-467-0671 and asking for the FLORIDA BAR room rate. The Symposium is March 5-6, 2015 [.pdf of brochure] See you in Fort Lauderdale next week!
by Dineen Wasylik | Feb 24, 2015 | Annual Symposium
National Public Radio did a feature on Symposium Keynote Speaker Ronald K. Fierstein and his new book, A Triumph of Genius: Edwin Land, Polaroid, and the Kodak Patent War, the fascinating story of the patent wars between Polaroid and Kodak over instant photography technology in the late 1970s. Click through for a little preview of the fascinating story we’ll hear about from Mr. Fierstein.
You won’t want to miss this talk (or the IP Committee meeting that precedes it at 4 pm). Have you registered yet? Don’t wait any longer! Be sure to register for the Symposium. The Symposium is March 5-6, 2015 [.pdf of brochure]. Be there!