Legislative Update to Theft of Trade Secrets Act – HB 1523 / SB 1378

Please see attached Technical Comments and Analysis of these two pending pieces of legislation prepared by Bob Kain.

Please provide any feedback directly to Bob at RKain@ConceptLaw.com as soon as you can, both bills are moving quickly.

Fla Stat 812.081 Tr Sec Theft

HB 1523 Corporate Espionage

Technical Comments HB 1523 asnd SB 1378


Jim Matulis

Matulis IP Law & Mediation


Hi all

Thursday’s IP Committee Meeting will include a presentation by the Copyright Office’s Associate Register of Copyrights and Director of Public Information and Education, Catherine “Catie” Zaller Rowland, bringing you up to speed on the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement Act of 2019 (CASE Act of 2019) 

Don’t forget to register in advance – here is the registration link https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsdOitrj8pHdTjpMeoc2cbKh4wZAHm8e0q

Also, the IP Committee is looking for volunteers to serve as Committee liaisons to other BLS committee, including the Pro Bono Committee, the Communications Committee, the CLE Committee, and the Membership Committee.  If interested, please email me offline at jim@matulislaw.com


Matulis IP Law

IP Committee Meeting 8/31 @ Business Law Section Retreat, Naples

The IP Committee will meet on Saturday, August 31st from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., at the Business Law Section Retreat in Naples. The Labor Day Retreat Agenda 2019 and minutes from the last meeting may be downloaded here (the attachment to the minutes may be downloaded separately here).

A conference line has been arranged for those members who wish to participate in the meeting, but who are unable to make it to Naples (the conference bridge information may be found in the agenda).  Please e-mail Jacqueline Tadros if you plan to attend the meeting by telephone.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting.

IP Committee Meeting 6/27/19

The IP Committee will meet on June 27th at 9am in Boca Raton as part of The Florida Bar’s 2019 Annual Meeting.

The agenda for the meeting may be accessed here:  2019-Florida-Bar-Annual-Meeting-IP-Committee-Agenda.docx

The minutes from the last minute may be accessed here:  2019-04-11-Minutes-IP-Committee-Meeting.docx (the related attachment may be found here:  2019-04-11-IP-Committee-sign-in-sheet.pdf).

We look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting.

Legislative Update for 9/1 Committee Meeting

Thanks to the efforts of Dineen Wasylik, progress has been made on the revisions to the Florida trademark statute. Copies of the draft bill, the white paper, and the comparison of the draft to the statute, may be downloaded here.

This will be discussed at Saturday’s Committee meeting.

Draft bill:


White paper:


Bill comparison:
