by Jim @ Matulis IP Law | Aug 7, 2017 | Annual Symposium, CLE
Joining the Steering Committee is a great way to get more involved in the section, meet other IP attorneys, and, provided you qualify as an active member through meeting attendance and task completion, you can qualify for a complimentary registration for the Symposium.
The call-in information is as follows:
Dial In – (641) 715-3580
Access Code: 711739
In light of the currently known conflicting events, we are considering either March 8-9 or April 12-13. A calendar of all conflicting events can be found here:
After the kickoff meeting, the Steering Committee will meet by phone every other Tuesday at 2:00 p.m.
I look forward to your participation and insight!
Jim Matulis / [email protected]
by Jim @ Matulis IP Law | Jun 4, 2017 | Bar and Committee Business, CLE, General Announcements
The next meeting of the IP Committee will be on June 22 from 10:00-11:50 a.m. in the Grand Ballroom C in conjunction with the Florida Bar’s 67th Annual Florida Bar Convention.
Attached are links to the IP Committee Meeting Agenda for 2017 Annual Meeting and the Minutes of the March 29, 2017 Symposium Meeting.
We hope to see you there, but if you can’t attend in person, the call-in information is below:
Dial-in 1-888-376-5050
PIN: 8670236698
by Jim @ Matulis IP Law | Apr 26, 2017 | Bar and Committee Business, CLE, General Announcements
The Florida Bar Bankruptcy/UCC Committee is holding a Deposition Boot Camp Seminar on Friday, May 19 in Orlando. The seminar will cover general deposition topics and will provide practical deposition tips for all litigators.
The registration brochure is attached here and you can register to attend here.
Please make plans to attend this excellent program.
Kimra Major-Morris, IP Committee Chair
by Jim @ Matulis IP Law | Apr 18, 2017 | Annual Symposium, CLE
Hi all
As those who attended the 8th Annual Symposium know, the Florida Bar will automatically credit your CLE for this event. If you would prefer to add the CLE credit using the Florida Bar’s webpage on your own, the course numbers are as follows:
Thursday 3/30 – How to Prepare for the IP Board Certification Exam – Course No. 2511 – up to 2.0 hours
Friday 3/31 – Symposium – Course No. 2307 – up to 10.0 hours
by Jim @ Matulis IP Law | Mar 16, 2017 | Annual Symposium, Bar and Committee Business, CLE
With a great group of speakers presenting on topics that are relevant to your practice, you won’t want to miss the 8th Annual IP Symposium on March 30-31 at the Sonesta Fort Lauderdale!
Getting 12.5 CLE hours, including 1.0 hours for Technology, is just icing on the IP cake!
To reserve one of the limited number of rooms, call the Sonesta directly at (954) 315-1460 and use the code 0329FLABAR
A Special Thank You to Our Symposium Sponsors, Keegan & Donato Consulting LLC, Cozen O’Connor and Cherry Bekaert LLP

See you there!
by Jim @ Matulis IP Law | Feb 24, 2017 | Annual Symposium, Bar and Committee Business, CLE, Uncategorized
With a great group of speakers presenting on topics that are relevant to your practice, you won’t want to miss the 8th Annual IP Symposium on March 30-31 at the Sonesta Fort Lauderdale!
Getting 12.5 CLE hours is just icing on the IP cake!
To reserve one of the limited number of rooms, call the Sonesta directly at (954) 315-1460 and use the code 0329FLABAR
A Special Thank You to Our Symposium Sponsors, Keegan & Donato Consulting LLC, Cozen O’Connor and Cherry Bekaert LLP

See you there!